Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Animal Sancturary

So I am listed with the National Wildlife Federation as an animal/bird safe house and provide feed for the creatures of the earth who reside in my neck of the woods. However, there are certain birds/animals who are greedy and try to spoil it for the rest of the guys. (Kinda like some humans we know, eh?) So we got out the BB gun this evening and every time the big ole blackbirds tried to horn in on the feeders and keep the others out (and I mean, all of the others, the hogs!) we shot at them and scared them off. We did no harm to them except to scare them for all you PETA folks. Honestly, I am trying to re-populate the planet with the truly endangered Blue Jays, who are so susceptible to bird flue and I have a pair in my mini-woods and who visit my feeders every day. But when the blackbirds and crows are around, nobody gets to eat until they empty the feeders! Grrr. Such are the bloodsuckers of human society. So, here I am with the BB gun and a mission. You may think I am bloodthirsty, but no, I only want to save the food for the more amenable birds thank you very much. Let someone else take care of the aggressive blackbirds and crows, who care not for the rest of their population.


nancyofarrell said...

Sounds like spring has sprung up your way!

Love, Nancy

Zebbie Nix said...

Those darn blackbirds are a nuisance! Don't have to worry about the BB gun with dogs in my yard though! They do a great job of keeping them out. We have some blue jays and cardinals that hang in our front yard though.