Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Today is Wednesday, September 7, 2016, leaving only 5 days until we hit the road. I have spent most of the morning "Kittying" my jewelry and finding bags for miscellaneous junk that I want to take, "just in case". I have a small toolbox, a First Aid Kit, Camera, Lap Top, Ozark Mountain cups (poor man's Yeti) shoes and clothes. I am also taking a sketch pad and pencils in case I have an artistic urge. We will be carrying everything but the kitchen sink. It's not as if we were going to the jungle or the desert and we will certainly have access to grocery and department stores, but, I am just a girl scout and want to be "prepared". I am so excited about this trip. I made more preparations this time. Last trip, we just had a general idea of where we wanted to go and what to see, but pretty much, followed our noses. I have ordered and received books and maps from several of the states' visitation bureaus and am armed with a plethora of information, possibly more than we will ever need! But for now, I must get back to my jewelry, as I only got halfway through......Love Kitty Nix!

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